Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

About my family and my friends..

            We can get the best experience if your family is beside you.

I want to tell you about my family. My dad is a hardworker,. He always told me that “you must protect your mother  and your sister” because he can not  stay too long. He is my inspiration. My mother is a math teacher in Santa Maria Senior High School. I hate mathematics because I can not understand some of method, for example : Phytagoras. She is hardworker too.She is work from 7.a.m until 4.a.m. I have an older sister named Maria. She is have been working on Wismilak Industries as a secretary. Tia is my younger sister. She is in Junior High School right now. We are a happy family. Last holiday we went to Karimun Jawa island, we seen many beautiful fish there. We were so happy to have a trip together.
            Second, I want to tell you about my friends. At the University I have many new friends from everywhere ; Flores, Kalimantan, Malang or from the other faculty ; Chemical engineering, Phsycology, Business. They are so fun. Felix, Timothy, Garry and Listya is my old friend from the last Senior High school. From my faculty I have got new friends too. Fimo, Dion and many more. We were look  like a family, because we like to tell jokes together or go to the nice place in Surabaya. We had a trip together on Malang. It was fun.

How about your people around you ?

1 komentar:

  1. Hello Christ Tio, your writing is so inspiring.
    Pay attention with the noun. If it is plural, type it with plural form.
    Please pay attention with the tenses form too. There must be a word "have" before using past participle.
    And pay attention with the sequence. You put "second" without the "first". Moreover you have to choose better conjunction for your story.
    That is all for my revision.
    Please visit my blog too.
    I am waiting for your comment.
