Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Part 2

                One day Archileo walk around the forest to find a deer. His father sent him to the forest because the dinner will be special with deer’s meat.  
                                “fuitttttt …” Archileo was give a code to deer. He hear something behind the big tree.
                “srak .. srak .. srak ..” Archileo believe to himself, he walk to the voice. His foot is unbalanced and he felt down near the tree.
                                “groarrrr !! grrr !” it is a big Bear. The bear want to attack Archileo. He defend himself by the small sword. The bear is very strong, Archileo try to run away. Right after the incident, someone was shouted to him. A man with muscle body is stand in front of him. The bear and the man is fight over. The man look very strong with the big armor around his body. 10 minutes they were fight, the bear was killed by him. Archileo was dazed, not realized what was happened. He is shocked, he

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